Welp, bought my Spark at lease-end....

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2015
I now actually own my first Spark rather than leasing. This was my 3rd Spark I had leased. It is a 2016 and I had put 40,000 miles on it (lease allowed 32,500). Buyout was $10,400. By buying it, I "saved" paying over-mile fees and the $395 lease-end fee. GM Financial, of course, did not budge on the price. So, I am now committed to my Spark, and gladly so. It is a fun and great little car.
At least its the 'devil you know' and compared to what they are going for on Carvana, you did alright. I heard about others having to pay $15,000 at lease end for their 2014 so they just turned them in instead.

I'd say you did pretty darn good.. .congrats!