Touch Screen problems

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2021
I seem to have a new problem with the touch screen on my 2015 Spark EV LT2. Say, I'm listening to the radio. Suddenly, I'll hear a little beep. Then again. And again. Sometimes several. I'll look down at the display, and it seems like I'm getting phantom touchscreen button presses. In particular, if you look at the station presets, the virtual button on the lower far right just keeps pressing over and over. It will actually select that position, then hold it, then program that button to be the station I'm listening to. This is intermittent, but once it starts happening, I can barely press anything on the touchscreen at all. I just keep getting overwritten by these repeated phantom button presses. If I manage to get to the next page of radio presets, the phantom press will program the rightmost preset again, this time, on the new page, to the station I have selected. If I do manage to change the station, then the new station will get programmed to be the rightmost button.

This comes and goes, but when it's happening, I can barely use the touch screen at all. Sometimes, if I try to change the volume, the volume will suddenly jump to maximum and it's nearly impossible to lower it. It keeps jumping to max. Eventually, I can get it back down and stable.

Any ideas? I imagine a repair or replacement would be rather expensive, if I can even get the parts.
The touchscreen in the Sparks and Volts are resistive, right?

The other thought, if it's not a depression on the screen from some form of impact damage, is that something may be in contact on startup, piece of dirt/debris on a corner of the frame that you can't see from your seat. Maybe get some screen cleaner and a toothbrush and go around the edges and clean out any built up gunk?

If that doesn't work, it's a $50 part on ebay and installation involves removing fascia...
I replaced the digitizer on my 2015 Spark EV. Unfortunately something went wrong. The screen center stack screen did not activate thought he dash screen continues to work. However I have a series of warnings on that screen including ABS service Battery, etc. I had to disconnect the battery to get the car to sleep. In put the battery on a intermittent charger and it is showing fully charged.

I also unplugged the Radio incase there is something wrong with it. Can someone help me with resetting the codes?

BTW, power steering is inoperable, will not charge though there are 45 miles left in the battery. Car will not move as you can imagine.

Thanks for any ideas.

I replaced the digitizer on my 2015 Spark EV. Unfortunately something went wrong. The screen center stack screen did not activate thought he dash screen continues to work. However I have a series of warnings on that screen including ABS service Battery, etc. I had to disconnect the battery to get the car to sleep. In put the battery on a intermittent charger and it is showing fully charged.

I also unplugged the Radio incase there is something wrong with it. Can someone help me with resetting the codes?

BTW, power steering is inoperable, will not charge though there are 45 miles left in the battery. Car will not move as you can imagine.

Thanks for any ideas.

Success. Plugged into HV charger, used an Ancel AD310 to clear first code while trickle chargeing 12v battery with a CTEK 3300. This was second try. I think there is some confusion with instructions to turn on ignition but not start. There is no such setting on the Spark EV.

Leaving on travel. On return will try to troubleshoot radio. It is not connected now.
Well, I tried disconnecting the 12v battery for a few hours to "re-boot" the radio.....
did not fix it.

So I then tried removing the radio and unplugging to "re-boot" it......
seems to be success!

touchscreen working again.

For how long? I dunno, but happy for now, nice to have radio controls back.

AM still does not work tho. weird.
Also, I check the GM parts listings and a new radio is $530 bucks and used/refurbished one on Ebay is $250
Welp, it did it again, so re-boot is not a fix......

seemed a lil less-bad this time, but still freaked out a lil and changed only 1 radio preset,
not multiple ones like before, but I am sure it is not fixed.
I tried the heat-gun fix posted here by Infinion .....

and it seems to have worked!

I have tested it over 6 times now and the radio works just fine every time.

By comparison, it was freaking out every time i drove the car before.

I just used a really hot hair dryer on high setting and did the trick.

another update:
heard one random beep today and radio randomly changed one pre-set station,
then lagged a little bit, then worked ok.

SO, I guess it is not totally solved.... maybe i did not quite get it to 200 degrees?

still better than before
I had that issue earlier this year, this $20 part fixed it. The repair is not super basic, not extremely advanced either though.
Way too many screws need to come out.
There are two large flex cables that need to be unlatched and reattached on the radio.
The touch screen plugs in with a small flex cable.
I did it while I was sitting in the car.
I would have lost less screws if I had brought it inside to a table. 😄
another update:
screen mostly working fine now, had like 1 or 2 hiccups, and sometimes takes a minute or two before starts working after starting the car.
can i live with it?
so far, yes.
but maybe i will consider the bots suggestion of replacing the screen.....
but maybe i will consider the bots suggestion of replacing the screen.....
I just want to say, that I am human. I passed the test and everything.
But yes we did have a couple of weird bot posts on here before they were removed. Those are the posts CSW is referring to, not mine. I'm a real boy!!

CSW, As far as the screen goes, I sure hope yours keeps on working to a level you can deal with. I wanted to live with mine but the problem kept getting more and more irritating. The worst was when it would turn the volume up. Even though our radios have the separate volume pads, when you press one to adjust it, the volume bar pops up on the screen. And that bar on the screen responds to touch. Well the anomaly in my touch screen was pressing the screen near the upper part of the volume bar, blasting the volume.

When I was scared to adjust the volume, I knew I had to do something.
haha! real boy, ok, all is well now

yea, i had the volume thing happen once, and that would not be ok! haha!

well i am sure i will end up replacing it, but i did not even know that was an option before now,
so thanks for the info!

cuz I like my things working right.

side note: interesting our screens seemed to fail in the same spot..... by design? hhhmmm