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Chevy Spark EV Forum

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  1. M

    Turning Off the Radio?

    Yea, this is pretty bad. My 3 year old pioneer head unit lets me turn off everything but still leave bluetooth connected on my other car. If I recieve a phone call, my head unit will then 'turn on'.
  2. M

    My two GM vehicles

    Is that seriously your vanity license plate? That's completely hilarious. wow, 66k miles? The oldsmobile is still practically new.
  3. M

    Spark EV selling in more states?

    So did the EPA approve this request and the date pushed back? This seems a bit outrageous, going back to the chicken & egg problem. They dont want to sell EVs because they claim there isn't a large enough infrastructure, but there's no infrastructure because EVs are not widespread.
  4. M

    AM radio as motor monitor?

    Interesting. I'm not an electronics guy but more of a software one. Maybe with one of these It would be pretty easy. I'm having a hard time finding a smaller module that can capture AM signals. Probably a beagleboard with USB-in + a small LCD might be able...
  5. M

    2015 Chevy Spark EV specifications

    Just don't get arrested for charging at school like this guy
  6. M

    Fast DC chargers in SFO Bay Area

    For reference, If you have a black tab in your charger port your car isn't equipped with Fast DC charging capabilities. If you have an orange tab like so Then you're good to go.
  7. M

    delayed charging not working anymore

    It's all about saving money. Depending on the rates you get from your Utility company you can save money by charging during off-peak hours, alternatively when summer rolls by you will get charged alot more during peak hours so you would ideally set up delayed charging to charge at night/early...
  8. M

    New Spark EV - towed for dead battery

    You may have just gotten a bad battery. This usually happens when the manufacturer goes with the cheapest battery possible to cut costs. Something similar happened to Tesla Model S' and their 12v batteries failing because they cheaped out on them.
  9. M

    Nationwide distribution?

    :o I don't doubt it.
  10. M


    Is there any reason why you take 99 instead of 5 besides everyone blowing past you at 80mph? I frequently commute from Manteca to Sacramento and the round trip distance is just outside of my comfort zone since there is no fast way to charge up. I really wish there would be a DC Fast Charger set...
  11. M

    HID Option?

    It's probably this My cousin bought similar a 'plug-n-play' HID kit through a cheap vendor off of ebay that wasnt xenonpro. He must have paid about $40 for only the lowbeams...
  12. M

    2015 Chevy Spark EV specifications

    I would have purchased one by now if it weren't for my job having me travel to several places between the mid-west and the east coast for the next 6 months. The only option is to use my ICE car to make these trips. Perhaps by the end of august the 2015 version will be available and hopefully...
  13. M

    2015 Chevy Spark EV specifications

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I prefer titanium to black granite. I will never own another purely 'Black' car ever again (too much maintenance to keep it shiny, scratch free) then again I wouldn't mind a Salsa red spark :D It's about time, this is one of the 'lame' things about the current...
  14. M

    I found an orphan

    Wow, someone is going to be a lucky owner of a spark ev pretty soon. There's 1 bid at the moment.
  15. M

    MyLink compatibility with iPhone problems... Anmyone else?

    I wouldn't doube that the Spark is outputting 500 mah which is standard for USB ports. This may sound mundane but have you tried restarting your phone? You may be running so many things that the phone draws more power than what it can charge. When you restart it you ensure that it's in a fresh...