Recent content by Cephas2000

Chevy Spark EV Forum

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  1. C

    Spark EV in the shop, waiting for parts

    A few weeks back, my 2015 Spark EV presented me with some errors one morning when trying to start it. The main display alternated the messages, "Propulsion Power is Reduced" and "Out of Energy, Charge Vehicle Now!". The center display read, "Not Able to Charge". It had been plugged in all...
  2. C

    Battery too low to fast charge?

    Great that you have all that data. I've never reached "Low". The most drained I've been was with 4 miles of estimated range. Not much help to you with this reply, but at least you know we're out here. :-)
  3. C

    Spark EV Spotted in Sunnyside, SF

    Wasn't me! I've seen one other since the beginning of the year; in the CVS parking lot in Foster City.
  4. C

    Do you ALWAYS plug in at home or only when needed ?

    In the Onstar app (you can also do this in the car in similar fashion using the "Electric Info" screen): 1) Select Vehicle Status - Diagnostics 2) Select Change Charge Mode This screen will show whether you're set to - Immediate - Charge upon plugging in - Departure - Complete charge at set...
  5. C

    Is it normal that....

    Hey! I'm about 5 weeks into owning my Spark EV; about 1600 miles. I'm on the SF Peninsula and drive a fair number of inclines, both freeway and city. I haven't had any of the noise you're talking about - none. Have you taken it to the dealer? To your other question, the break-in period for...
  6. C

    Rebate Check before carpool stickers!

    FWIW, here's a timeline of my rebate and HOV Sticker progress. 10-Jan : Applied online for CVRP Rebate 16-Jan : Mailed application to DMV for HOV Sticker 22-Jan : Mailed forms for CVRP Rebate 13-Feb : Check to DMV cleared my bank 14-Feb : Received HOV stickers! Hope this provides some hope...