Has anyone experienced "increase" in projected miles?

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Sparkler said:
Just curious if that "Charge Now" button in RemoteLink works for anyone? It works on my Volt but I get a message that it's "not supported by the vehicle" with the Spark...
Same for me :(
Regardless it's 110V or 240V, same error message. I guess Sparky has to grow up a bit to become the Volt :)
tigger19687 said:
Oh and I would get run off the road at 60mph on Rt 128 and Rt 495, but that is do-able when I actually hit the cape.
Are those two-lane or four-lane roads? If two-lane, I see your point. When I try to stretch my range, I use the "less fuel" routing option on my GPS which frequently takes me on less-used roads that allow lower speeds (<=55MPH speed limit,) even if it's slightly further (and definitely takes longer.) But I'm usually on a weekend drive with my wife for these trips and don't have any particular deadline. Plus it's a great way to see the surrounding countryside/towns. A mini road trip, if you will. (Highways are boring by comparison. :) )