Homelink installation

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OK, I guess you did not understand me.

If you take the 12v Power from the Dome light, that power is always available, even when the car if OFF.
This means the homelink button will work even when the car is turned Off, which is a security risk as the car sleeps in the driveway, so someone who would break in the car would gain access to the house.

What I was looking for, was a 12V power source in the head console which is only on when the car if ON and which is Off when the car is Off. This is called an ignition switched power source.

Thanks for trying :)
How many wires do you have on your homelink? I had 3 and tapped it to the car as such (12v, ground, acc switch). When the car is off, I am unable to open my garage door opener with the Homelink, and only when the car is actually on. I assume there's a relay built into the Homelink.
What do you call AC switch?
Do you remember which Homelink wire color went where?

My understanding was that HomeLinks have 2 or 3 wires.
When they have 3 they are described as below in the Homelink installation guide

Red* – This wire powers HomeLink functions. You must choose whether to connect to 12v+ Constant power (unit will function anytime vehicle power is on) OR 12v+ Ignition Controlled power (unit will function only when key is ON).
White* – This wire powers Module button backlighting. Connect to Illumination/ Backlighting power (Module button backlighting will illuminate when vehicle lights are on) or Ignition Controlled power or (Module button backlighting will illuminate only when key is ON).
Black – Connect to Chassis Ground. *If desired, both the Red and White wires can be connected to the same wire supplying Ignition Controlled power.

When they have two they just dont have an illumination wire (my case as it is a used one bought on Ebay)

So if you connect the Red wire to the Dome light red wire, that wire always has power (you can turn on dome lights when the car is off), and therefore the homelink should work even when the car is off

If you are telling me your Homelink red wire is connected to the Dome light red wire and does not work when the car is Off, then I have no idea how that could be possible (unless your dome light does not work when the car is off (does it ?).

One think I was thinking was use the OnStar illumination wire to power the Homelink, as that is only powered when the car is on, but the Voltage I measured on it was only 10Volt, and I am not sure the Homelink would work with 10v (but it might).
Would you by any chance have connected your Homelink red wire there?
Seems like you're in slightly different situation as you state your unit only has 2 wires, where most of us including mine has 3.

As previously described in my posts, my connections (just like others on this thread):

Homelink Mirror >> Car
Red >> Gray (Dome light)
Black >> Black (Dome light)
White >> Green/Black (OnStar cable harness next to Dome)

Whether my dome light is turned on or off, and when the car is off, the homelink button will not work (stays solid green), and only when the car is turned on will it flash red (engaging garage opener). Again, seems like yours is different being just 2 wires on your Homelink. Good luck.