Date - Odometer (mi) - kWh - Full charge range (mi)
02/14/19 12464 16.33000 81
03/01/19 12700 16.26670 98
04/23/19 13316 16.20000 108
05/21/19 13692 16.03333 107
06/17/19 14008 16.03333 96
07/12/19 14291 16.29999 93
08/13/19 14827 16.56666 92
09/12/19 15279 16.56666 99
10/09/19 15771 16.73333 108
11/15/19 16293 16.36666 88* (After full preconditioning cycle)
12/09/19 16485 16.20000 97
01/08/20 16905 16.03000 92
02/09/20 17314 15.80000 86
03/04/20 17647 15.80000 96
08/09/20 18098 15.53000 92 (After several months of only partial charges)
10/12/20 18459 15.33000 91
10/31/20 18576 15.13000 86 (Tire pressure had dropped enough that all the tires needed topped off)
01/11/21 18840 14.94000 82
02/04/21 19031 14.47000 78
03/02/21 19208 14.50000 79
04/01/21 19545 14.60000 97
05/03/21 19937 14.47000 97
06/01/21 20322 14.67000 98
07/15/21 20756 14.57000 98
08/09/21 21030 14.63000 92 (Lots of A/C use)
09/03/21 21478 14.73000 96 (Lots of A/C use)
10/01/21 21861 14.67000 99
11/01/21 22229 14.63000 95
12/04/21 22598 14.40000 90
01/05/22 22936 14.33000 77 (Cold weather)
02/02/22 23384 14.13000 77 (Cold weather and lots of remote starts)
03/08/22 23832 13.90000 83
04/11/22 24238 13.87000 85
05/02/22 24501 14.03000 90
06/06/22 24724 14.17000 96
07/07/22 25214 14.03000 83 (Lots of A/C use)
07/31/22 25885 14.07000 88 (Lots of A/C use)
09/06/22 25931 14.03000 90
09/29/22 26179 14.00000 92
11/01/22 26420 14.10000 87
12/01/22 26653 14.10000 85
02/14/19 12464 16.33000 81
03/01/19 12700 16.26670 98
04/23/19 13316 16.20000 108
05/21/19 13692 16.03333 107
06/17/19 14008 16.03333 96
07/12/19 14291 16.29999 93
08/13/19 14827 16.56666 92
09/12/19 15279 16.56666 99
10/09/19 15771 16.73333 108
11/15/19 16293 16.36666 88* (After full preconditioning cycle)
12/09/19 16485 16.20000 97
01/08/20 16905 16.03000 92
02/09/20 17314 15.80000 86
03/04/20 17647 15.80000 96
08/09/20 18098 15.53000 92 (After several months of only partial charges)
10/12/20 18459 15.33000 91
10/31/20 18576 15.13000 86 (Tire pressure had dropped enough that all the tires needed topped off)
01/11/21 18840 14.94000 82
02/04/21 19031 14.47000 78
03/02/21 19208 14.50000 79
04/01/21 19545 14.60000 97
05/03/21 19937 14.47000 97
06/01/21 20322 14.67000 98
07/15/21 20756 14.57000 98
08/09/21 21030 14.63000 92 (Lots of A/C use)
09/03/21 21478 14.73000 96 (Lots of A/C use)
10/01/21 21861 14.67000 99
11/01/21 22229 14.63000 95
12/04/21 22598 14.40000 90
01/05/22 22936 14.33000 77 (Cold weather)
02/02/22 23384 14.13000 77 (Cold weather and lots of remote starts)
03/08/22 23832 13.90000 83
04/11/22 24238 13.87000 85
05/02/22 24501 14.03000 90
06/06/22 24724 14.17000 96
07/07/22 25214 14.03000 83 (Lots of A/C use)
07/31/22 25885 14.07000 88 (Lots of A/C use)
09/06/22 25931 14.03000 90
09/29/22 26179 14.00000 92
11/01/22 26420 14.10000 87
12/01/22 26653 14.10000 85